
Showing posts from May, 2016

HOT new Coupons!!!

With May winding down to it's last few hours, many new coupons are starting to pop up already! Tomorrow should bring many more great deals! Print your favorites now before they disappear or reset with the start of the new month! Here's a list of my favorites. new and old: S ave $1/1 Skintimate  Save $2/1 Tide  Save $2/1 Schick Disposables Save $5/2 Schick Disposable s Save $3/1 Schick Hydro Refill Save $2/1 Schick Quatro  Save $.75/1 Off Repellent Save $1/4 Uncle Ben's Rice  Save $0.75/2 Kellogg's Nutrigrain bars Save $1/1 Charmin Basic Save $1/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Save $1.50/2 Snickers, Twix, Milky Way Miniatures  Save $1/2 Vlassic Products

Moneymaker on Colgate Toothpaste Starting 5/15!

Who needs toothpaste? Hopefully everyone, because it's going to be free next week at Rite Aid! Hurry up and print 2 of these $1/1 Colgate Coupons and score 2 tubes of toothpaste FREE plus make $0.50 each off the deal! Buy 1 Colgate Toothpaste $3.50 each Use 1  $1/1 Coupons Pay $2.50 Each Get back $3 in Plenti Points  Limit 2