Happy New Year! Happy New Coupons!!!!

Over the last few years of couponing, I've noticed that most coupons reset on the new year. Sites like smartsource.com and redplum.com keep most of the same coupons all year and they only reset after the new year. So, if there are some awesome coupons that you want, make sure you print them today. Chances are, you can print more tomorrow!
Here's a list of the coupons I'll be printing today!

$0.50/1 Crab Classic
$0.75/2 Domino Sugar
$0.75/1 Birds Eye
B2G1 Digiorno Pizza
$1/3 Barilla Pasta
$1/4 Uncle Bens Rice
$0.50/1 Nesquik
$0.75/1 Herbal Essences Body Wash
$0.60/1 Post Ohs Cereal
