Coupons RESET!! PLUS New Coupons to print!!!

I love seeing GREAT coupons reset! There are a few that came out last week that have reset so now we can print 2 more! Plus grab these new coupons before they are gone! These all make for Awesome back to school deals!!!

NEW $0.75/1 Laughing Cow Cheese
NEW $0.75/1 Mini Babybel Cheese
NEW $0.75/1 Sharpie 3 Pack or Larger
NEW $1/1 Expo 4 ct Dry Erase Marker or Larger
NEW $1/1 Any Uni-ball Pen 
NEW $1/1 Any Sharpie Clear View High Lighter
NEW $1/1 Mr Sketch Scented Marker 12 ct or higher
Reset** $0.75/1 Cocoa Puffs Cereal
Reset** $0.75/1 Trix Cereal
Reset***$0.50/1 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel 
Reset** $1/1 Glad Food Protection
Reset** $0.75/2 Yo Plait Kids, Go Gurt
